How do I access the New York Times?


The Library provides University of Tampa students, faculty, and staff with a account which gives you complimentary access to and NYT apps.*


New Accounts

First-time users must create an account at New York Times Online while connected to the campus network.

  1. Choose the University of Tampa.
  2. Select Student/Faculty.
  3. Enter your UTampa email address.
  4. Create and remember your NYT login credentials.

Once you have an account you can go directly to or use the link above.


Expired Account

Users with expired accounts must renew with the Renew Account Link while connected to the campus network.


New York Times (ProQuest Historical Newspapers) 

Full-text coverage to the New York Daily News (1851-1857) and to the New York Times (1851 - 2016). 

A special NYT account is not necessary with ProQuest.


NYT Troubleshooting and FAQs are found here.

*Access to archived articles within the date range 1923-1980 is limited. You must have a valid email address from a participating organization. Other restrictions may apply.


  • Last Updated Sep 12, 2024
  • Views 3259
  • Answered By David Davisson

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