How can I get online articles for free?


Found an article online, but don't have access to it?

Many times, articles we find online may be blocked by a paywall because they require a paid subscription to access a journal, magazine, or newspaper (these publications are all referred to as periodicals). Before you pay for an article, CHECK THE LIBRARY! More often than not, we have access to the article, or we can track down a copy for you through Interlibrary Loan (ILL).

How to locate the article:

1.  Oftentimes, a newspaper or magazine article might have a slightly (or completely!) different title than the online version. Try typing (or copy and paste) the title into Spartan Search. If it doesn't come up, try some of the key words and the author (if there is one).

2.  If that doesn't work, check to see if the library subscribes to the periodical by using Journal Search and entering the name of the periodical. Make sure that you enter the name of the journal, magazine, or newspaper and not the title of the article. Then, use your key words to search the specific periodical, or find the exact issue if you have a complete citation. You may need to look through the table of contents of different issues, depending on the specific database and the amount of information that you have.

3. And If that doesn't work, please contact the library! Although sometimes an article might be only available through an individual online subscription, most of the time we can help you find what you need.

  • Last Updated Aug 07, 2024
  • Views 79
  • Answered By Shannon Spencer - University of Tampa

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