Do you have my textbook?


Probably not.

Traditionally, university libraries do not collect textbooks for classes. The cost of supporting that many classes, with a constantly changing selection of textbooks (due to new editions, new classes, and new professors) makes the cost prohibitive. Since this is a general rule of thumb for many universities, attempting to acquire textbooks from other institutions through Interlibrary Loan is often unsuccessful.

Some books, however, such as literature or books written for popular and academic audiences may be available. Check Spartan Search or see a librarian for assistance in locating a title.

Sometimes a professor will put a book you need for your class on Reserve. You can use Spartan Search to search by the title, professor name, class, or academic department. If the book is on Reserve, you can ask for it at the Circulation Desk with the book title and/or course code.


  • Last Updated Aug 21, 2024
  • Views 62
  • Answered By David Davisson

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