What should I ask the librarian?


Has someone told you to go talk to a librarian but you're not sure what to ask? Here are some ways to get started.

  • Can you help me find peer-reviewed articles?
  • Can you help me find statistics?
  • Which database is most useful for this project?
  • Can you help me find a book on my topic/area of interest?
  • Is this article I found a peer-reviewed article?

The librarians are information specialists. They are here to help you track down high-quality information for your research projects.

Sometimes just talking to someone about your research can help clarify the kinds of resources that will be most useful.

And even if you're finding what you need it doesn't hurt to check with a librarian to see if they know of any additional resources.

  • Last Updated Aug 08, 2024
  • Views 62
  • Answered By David Davisson

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